Sunday, September 20, 2009

Dublin Zoo & Willy Wonka Elevator

In front of the Willy Wonka elevator

Meerkats in a huddle

Bunny-like creatures

An adorable bunny:)

A guinea pig...we want one for our flat!



Today my roommates and I took the number 10 bus all the way to the end of it's route to visit the Dublin Zoo. We saw many animals and it was so cute to listen to the little Irish children oooh and aww about the animals. My favorite was the meerkats because they are just so darn cute! I love how one of them is always on watch for predators. I do find it slightly sad and ironic that they do this because nothing is going to harm them in the zoo...but they don't know this. I was thinking that the zoo officials should make fake predators as puppets or cardboard cut-outs. That way, every so often they could stage a fake attack on the meerkats so that the look-out meerkat would feel worth while and earn his keep. Just a suggestion.

After the zoo we trekked to find the Willy Wonka elevator. We walked soooo know how everything looks close together on the map, but we must have walked for 45 minutes. When we finally got there we took pictures in front. When we actually walked over to ride to the top of it there was a sign on the adjacent hotel saying, "We are closed indefinitely due to unforseen circumstances." I was so disappointed that we couldn't ride to the top! It's suppposed to be a really good view of Dublin from the top. Sadly, we got on a bus to come back to UCD. It was a great day though:)

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